2024-2025 Open Registration Begins March 11th

Director: Penny Wilson
Phone: 912-748-9431 or **912-748-4017
Address: 10 Cherry Street
Bloomingdale, GA 31302
Preschool Days: Monday – Thursday
Preschool Hours: 8:45am – 12:30pm
Requirements: Children must be 3 years old or 4 years old by September 1. Children must be completely potty trained; no assistance needed in the bathroom.
Cost: There is a $250 non-refundable registration and supply fee paid by cash, check, or money order at the time of registration. The monthly fee of $250 begins in September. If you have multiple children living in the same household to enroll, there will be a 10% discount on each additional child.
Preschool begins the Tuesday after Labor Day and continues through the second week of May.
Registration opens to the public on March 11th, 2024 and may be completed through the church office, Tuesday-Thursday, 9-12. Must bring both the shot record and the $250 deposit to secure registration.
Visit our Facebook page for the most up to date announcements.